Monday, June 30, 2008

Royal Angkor Hospital-More Contrasts

We've taken Arwen to the Royal Angkor Hospital here in Siem Reap to have her checked out for pneumonia or whatever she has.

Bryan called several times before we could find a tuk-tuk driver who could ferry us all. It took him a while to find our house.

This is a very new and modern hospital - less than a year old and it's equivalent to Queen of the Valley in Napa. There are two hospitals in Siem Reap and this is one of them aimed specifically to Western clientele. The other one is the Siem Reap Children's Hospital that John Morgan helped to build and at which he was the chief administrator for many years. (John is currently starting a new project building a hospital boat to take medical services down the rivers to villages. A really interesting concept since the transportation infrastructure is so rudimentary. )

The RAH here is immaculate, the nurses in crisp white uniforms and the staff extremely professional. But it is very expensive by Khmer standards - $120 to see a doctor).

There is free Internet while we're waiting and they serve coffee and tea!

Arwen is in seeing the doctor now and we've already contacted the insurance provider for pre-certification so I'm certain things will be fine. It's another contrast here and an indication of how quickly this area is changing. The roads are really bad outside the main drag with bamboo shacks and power lines that look like confetti hanging from make-shift poles. And then there are the hotels shiny and new and this amazing hospital.

More later.

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